Nestled in the Japan Alps Nozawa is a magical place steeped in culture and natural beauty. Nozawa Onsen is a very traditional town with amazing hot springs, temples, friendly locals, and peaceful atmosphere. The perfect destination to indulge in Yoga and meditation while relaxing in the natural hot springs, fresh local produce and peaceful environment of this traditional mountain farming village.
Awesome Summer Experiences
More Adventurous
- Mountain Biking
- Hiking, Trekking & Trail Running
- The Shin-Etsu Long Trail Hike
- Yoga & Meditation Retreats
- White Water Rafting, SUP & Kayaking
- Golf Holidays
- Soccer, Tennis & Summer Skiing
- Relaxing in an Onsen
Some less strenuous pursuits
- Festivals
- Cooking Classes
- Music Camps
- Artist & Writers Retreats
- Aikido & Judo Camps
- The Snow Monkeys Experience
- Temples, Sake Factories & Art Galleries
- Roaming the village streets, the markets and the amazing Japanese cuisin
Choose which dates you’d like to attend, and longer stays at our Yoga Retreat are discounted.
Please ask us about the dates you’re interested in and we’ll provide you with a the best price for your Yoga Retreat experience.
You’ll be staying at the beautiful Villa Nozawa in Nozawa Onsen. It has traditional Japanese style Tatami Rooms, and Western rooms are also available if you prefer.
Mountain Bike & Mountain Bike Week
The Gondola lift opens early July until the end of August, with Mountain Bike week normally held in the 1st week of August. Info:- Mountain Biking Nozawa Onsen
The Yoga & Meditation Retreats
From August to October and Nozawa is the perfect destination for it with natural Hot Springs, fresh mountain air and scenic Temples. Info; – Yoga Retreat Japan
Rugby World Cup, 2019
This year one of the worlds major sporting events kicks of in Japan. from Fri, 20 Sep 2019 – Sat, 2 Nov 2019. Add a short stay to the beginning or end oif your RWC experience. Info:- Rugby World Cup Japan 2019